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Blog 6

Consider the Lobster, is a truly intriguing piece of work. I never knew that lobster’s had to be cooked alive, which I find quite atrocious thinking of. I willingly eat cow, chicken, fish and other animals. While I have eaten lobster before, mainly in a sub with other seafood, I never thought of how it was cooked. For steaks and burgers you are always asked how you want it cooked which gives a little reminder that it was a living animal, killed, then cooked. However with cows and chicken their killing seems more humane to me, simply breaking the neck or cutting the throat. They die quickly and with minimal pain, or so as far as my knowledge encompasses it is relatively painless; at least in comparison to being cooked alive. Personally if I was given those options for which to die by I would chose most likely the snapping of the neck, seems the quickest and most painless. Also keeps the cleanup easy for whoever killed me. Can I say I will refuse to eat lobsters because of reading this, knowing the pain they go through before they die, I would admit I probably will still eat lobster. I will however remember this story next time I have the choice to eat lobster. Perhaps i may even relate this story to others while they are deciding whether to have lobster or not, but maybe not when food is on the table, that may get me in the dog house for ruining their tasty and expensive meal.

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