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Blog 5

Read and Remix of Chapter two of BBG. The part of this chapter I really want to focus on is the photo essay portion. For yes I do understand that photos are a genre, and that they can combine to form an essay of even novel but it just never truly hit me their intensity, for a lack of a better word. I suppose I have always been a more formal person in that essays and novels are written works, they are words on paper, perhaps a photo on the cover and to illustrate a point, but I just never truly took photo essays or novels as serious as written ones. I will admit that my opinion changed, albeit slightly, when I read The Invention of Hugo Cabret, for that book had almost as many pages of photos as written. And yes, I do know the old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words, perhaps my lack of creative juices is why I never found the photo essays as meaningful, because I couldn't put a story behind them. However, with written stories and essays I find it so much easier to form mental pictures of everything; and this may be why I never was taken by the photo based genres, they didn't resonate with me the same.Now though I can see why photo essays may in fact be more impactful than written essays at time.

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