Reading through Roxane Gay’s piece makes me reflect on my previous school years, and I find that similarly to her, I more easily can recall the name of characters in books that I read during those years than I recall the names of the so called popular kids of those years. Perhaps because I have read the stories a plethora of times, but did I not see these popular people every day for the 180 days of school? Did I not hear them name at least one time every single day at school with them, however many years? So why do both Roxane Gay and I remember the characters of these stories more so than kids we went to school with, that we interacted with, whether positively or negatively daily? I would suspect or at least say so in my case it was because I made a connection with this stories and the characters in them. Yet having no connection with this popular group they simply fade from importance, once they were involved in your life daily but since they never did something to stand out as a person they simply get remembered as group. For as Roxane Gay points out she can remember a multitude of specific run ins with the group but never actually identifies a single member as being the instigator on the particular issue. It is possible she just doesn’t want to call someone out, but even in my life my few run ins with the popular folks has simply devolved in my memory to only include the specific thing they happened to be commenting that day, not which ones where there or not, which one said what, just that they, collectively, made note of it, whether in a positive light or negative depending on the day and issue. I will now apologize for what I believe you will have found a quite disjointed blog as I jumped around quite a lot, sorry for those of you had to read this all.
Blog 2
Updated: Jan 16, 2018